A Welding Class Project for SCRS at Pro Spot Tennessee:
Pro Spot Hosts SCRS at their Tennessee Training Facility
April 15, 2019 – Starting off a week of industry meetings and events, a group from the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) took an evening to stop by Pro Spot’s new Training Facility outside of Nashville, TN.
Brett Bailey, Chairman, SCRS, “We at SCRS are so appreciative of Pro Spot opening up their facility here in Nashville to our board. It was one of the most unique receptions I’ve personally had the opportunity to be part of. We are really appreciative of the Pro Spot team having the foresight to invite us all in, and to use it as an opportunity to make a fun and creative learning opportunity. While many of our board members hold and maintain credentials alongside their technicians, there are others in the group who either do not have technical experience, or don’t get to exercise it regularly."
"We were able to learn from the skilled trainers at Pro Spot and from our peers on the board in a really fun and impactful way,” added SCRS Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg. “I think everyone took something from it, and while the tools were easy to operate and learn on, it was a fantastic reminder for me personally of the time invested by our industry’s technicians to build the skill sets necessary to execute gorgeous welds in the repair process!”
Ryan Swanson, Pro Spot’s Training & Development Manager, “It was great hosting the SCRS group and getting some quality time to network and speak with like-minded people that care about the present and future of the collision industry..."
..."As Pro Spot continues to grow and adapt to the technology changes that affect how we safely repair vehicles, opening a training center in TN is a great way to continue to support not only our customers but also the collision industry as a whole! Times are changing and we need to keep up!”
..."As Pro Spot continues to grow and adapt to the technology changes that affect how we safely repair vehicles, opening a training center in TN is a great way to continue to support not only our customers but also the collision industry as a whole! Times are changing and we need to keep up!”
The Training Facility opened in June of 2018 and is available for groups, classes, training and more. “People are still coming and stopping me to tell me how great it was to get hands-on time doing that project,” exclaimed Mike Davis, Pro Spot’s Regional Sales Manager and Nashville Training Center Operator.